
Why you should use concealer

Simply put, a concealer is primarily used to hide any imperfections such as dark circles, dark spots, blemishes, pimples, and acne. Concealer also evens out skin tones and enhances the appearance of eyeshadow. Choosing a concealer depends on your skin type. I recommend a liquid concealer, which is most versatile and works on normal, oily or combination skin. You should apply your concealer under your foundation for a more finished look. Depending on the shade you use, apply gently with a makeup sponge, or use your index finger and dab under the eyes close to the lashes and around the eye area. Do not rub concealer. Evenly blend the product by tapping or dabbing onto the skin. Besides hiding imperfections, concealer is also great for brightening the color of your lipstick or being used as a makeup corrector to fix eyeliner mistakes or excess eyeshadow underneath the eyes. You can use concealer over your foundation if you find that after applying all your makeup you still have a spot or blemish showing through. Just once again dab a spot or two of concealer directly onto the area you want to hide. Concealer is an essential part of your makeup application. If you haven’t used concealers before, give it a try and I promise you’ll be addicted! I personally can’t imagine going without it. I am currently using IL MAKIAGE and give it a thumbs up-good coverage. I also recommend elf and ALMAY too.